Catch Up From 2007
December 17 (Happy Birthday Grandpa Kalkman):
At bedtime, Reagan tried to start a "throw my passy out of the crib and whine "pah-ie" until Mommy comes back" maneuver. The 2nd time I went back, I gave her a nice long explanation of how it was nite nite time and Mommy was going to sing some songs and then not come back, so she better keep her passy with her or she won't be able to sleep with it. I would not be back until morning. She fussed for a minute after I left that time, but no passy throwing anymore.
December 19: Counts to 10 and sings part of Wheels on the Bus song!
So she skipped 4, but our jaws were hanging open. We had just pulled out her new art desk with 10 markers and she counted the markers ... one, du, vree, ive, ix, eben, eight, nine, ten ... just like that, it was crazy! She has yet to go all the way to 10 again, but often does 1-5 (still skipping 4) or will do eight, nine, ten sometimes. Her song went a little something like this: "baby bus wah wah wah to town".
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