Starting on Christmas Eve, Reagan was excited to wear her Christmas dress that I found several months ago (on sale for $12!). After asking if she'd like to wear a dress, she said, "how about my christmas dress because it's almost christmas time!"
Uncle Brandon and Aunt Danielle got her this cute ballerina tutu, "twinkle toe" shoes (which is what she calls them now :-)), and this super soft, cute bunny that came with a little coat, but Reagan said it was too warm for the coat, so it came off immediately.
From Grandma Connie and Grandpa Don, she got a mix of things, Barbie dog show set, the game Thin Ice, little kitten and cat figures which have become the Barbie's pets, a little doll and bathtub set which she wanted to play with immediatly and the bathtub has also been a container to pour the plastic berries into, and a cute backpack which she's wearing here while playing with her new laptop:
Christmas afternoon, we headed to Uncle Jim, Aunt Stephanie and Cousin JT's house where my grandparents are staying. We had a great meal (mmm... my Grandma's stuffing, I've missed that) and brought a cheesecake for dessert that ended up being cheese soup .. oops! But it still tasted good. They all got Reagan a big stool-size soft cube with shapes and colors that plays music. The new baby will enjoy this one too!
Dec 27th was our final celebration with Cam's extended family who live locally. It's his Grandpa's brother's branch of the family, so it's his Dad's (Gpa Don) cousins and their families. We had a great meal there with chicken and ham .. delicious! Afterward, the two little ones, Reagan and Tessa (a year older than Reagan .. 3rd cousins), were showered with gifts ... so generous of everyone! Then the adults did a white elephant/pirate type exchange. I was able to steal and lock in (2nd time stolen, so cannot be stolen again) a $25 Macy's gift card along with a bag of M n M's (my fav!) and some Trader Joe's candies. Cam got car cleaning products - chamois's, interior wipes, wax, soap, etc. Kathie and Kristen also got me a Pashmere scarf, it's very pretty!
Here's Tessa and Reagan playing with Reagan's laptop before dinner. Reagan was quite upset at the end of the night because we weren't going to Tessa's house, just to our house. She suggested that she get bunk beds so Tessa could sleep on the top and she could sleep on the bottom. I don't know how she knows what bunk beds are, but that was super cute!Here's the whole bunch (from left bottom row: Kathy, Donna, Emily and Tessa, Me and Reagan, Kristen, Dan. from left top row: Kathie, Jerry, Debbie, Jerry, Karen, Ken, Cam, Jim.)
Reagan made out like a bandit: Aunt Kathie and Cousin Kristen got her butterfly wings, a fuzzy tiara, some princess stickers you scratch off to reveal sparkly stuff (she especially thought this was pretty cool), and a little purse and play pearl necklace. Aunt Debbie got her a bouncy ball and a Mickey Mouse backpack/gamepack with tic tac toe, card games, etc. Aunt Emily got her a fleece GAP sweatshirt and a Snow White Polly Pockets type doll with changes of clothes.
After all those gifts, Tessa and Reagan had the most fun with this big box ... of course!
THANK YOU TO ALL for the great food, gifts, and company!
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